TRUCKER DIES: Auburn man dies Dec. 19 from injuries in 167 crash

Washington State Patrol reported the truck driver who was critically injured Dec. 15 when his truck crashed into an overpass abutment on Highway 167, died Dec. 19.

The Washington State Patrol reported the truck driver who was critically injured Dec. 15 when his truck crashed into an overpass abutment on Highway 167, died Dec. 19.

David Roy Hemphill, 46, of Auburn died Dec. 19 at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle from injuries in the crash at the 24th Street East overpass in Sumner. Hemphill was carrying a tank of carbon dioxide when the troopers said he veered off the northbound lanes and ran into the abutment.

The force of the collision tore off the tank and a portion of the truck cab. It damaged the 24th Street East overpass, but state highway officials determined the overpass was stable and usable.

The crash closed the northbound lanes of 167 for about eight hours.