ARREST WARRANTS: A traffic stop at approximately 3:45 a.m. June 25 resulted in two people being booked on outstanding arrest warrants. The driver was arrested on a Black Diamond warrant and for operating a vehicle with a suspended license. A passenger was found to be wanted on a Bonney Lake warrant. The vehicle was impounded.
DISTURBANCE: Police were called at 11:15 a.m. June 25 to a Griffin Avenue location where an intoxicated guest was arguing with an employee and refusing to leave. After police arrived, the subject took a cab to another motel.
TOOL HEIST: Police were told approximately $6,000 worth of tools were stolen from storage units on Commerce Street. The incident was reported the morning of June 24.
HIT AND RUN: Police responded the afternoon of June 24 to a hit-and-run incident that occurred in the parking lot of a Griffin Avenue hotel. There were no injuries.
ORDERS TO CLEAN: An officer responded at 12:27 a.m. June 23 to the Elk Meadows neighborhood where two juveniles admitted to throwing eggs at homes. Parents were advised of the situation and the youngsters were to clean up the mess.
YOUNG AND LOUD: After hearing of a group of young people making excessing noise at Flensted Park, and officer responded at 1:21 a.m. June 22. One juvenile was reported missing, according to King County authorities, and he was taken to the police station until a parent arrived. Four others were released to their parents.
PROWLING: A Chinook Avenue resident called police the afternoon of June 21, reporting a vehicle had been prowled and items valued at $65 were taken.
DON’T DRINK THERE: Police responded to a Battersby Avenue address at 10 a.m. June 21. Contact was made with subjects who were advised to not drink in the park.
WHISKEY TAKEN: An officer checked the area June 20 after an employee of a Monrow Avenue store advised that a man and woman had stolen a bottle of liquor valued at $20. The suspects were not located.
VEHICLE PROWL: A Schmid Street resident called police the morning of June 20, reporting tools had been stolen from a work vehicle.
BALLOONS STOLEN: Officers responded the afternoon of June 20 to a Chinook Avenue address after hearing of balloons being stolen. One subject was arrested.
MALICIOUS MISCHIEF: Juveniles were spotted June 20 cutting the bark off a tree, prompting an officer to respond to Dwight Garrett Park. The subjects were contacted and given a verbal warning.
SCHOOL TARGETED: Police were called June 19 after it was discovered someone had painted the outside walls at Kibler Elementary School.
SODA SNATCHED: Police responded to a Griffin Avenue address the evening of June 19 after four subjects stole four cases of soda valued at $20. They fled in a blue pickup with Arizona license plates.