VEHICLE THEFT: A Chinook Avenue resident called police at 6:28 a.m. Jan. 26, reporting a vehicle had just been stolen. The vehicle was left in a driveway, running and unattended. The vehicle was located shortly before 6 p.m.
ASSAULT: A woman called for police the afternoon of Jan. 26, stating she had just been assaulted by a former boyfriend. Medical aid was summoned to evaluate the victim.
CLERK THREATENED: Police responded the morning of Jan. 25 to a Monroe Avenue business, where a manager told of a clerk being threatened by a customer the night before.
PAINTBALL TROUBLE: A report of people in a vehicle shooting paintballs at pedestrians had police responding at 9 p.m. Jan. 24 to the vicinity of Griffin Avenue and Wells Street. No suspects were located. Soon after, police were told of a vehicle on Porter Street that had been hit by paintballs.