Pumping in the Pot Hole complete in Bonney Lake
Bonney Lake residents behind Lakeridge Middle School started noticing water creeping onto their streets in December and January. By February, 185th, 187th and the intersection of 188th and 62nd were under four feet of water, cutting off vehicle access to homes and residents from their city. It took five weeks and $50,000, but the city managed to pump more than 23 million gallons of water from the area, called the Pot Hole, into Lake Tapps. Read more about the pumping operation and what the city’s next step may be here.
Bonney Lake council considers creating transportation district
Money is tight for cities across the state, and Bonney Lake is in the same boat. So amid falling gas taxes and an 80 percent drop in traffic impact fees, the city is considering creating a Transportation Benefit District in order to generate more revenue for transportation maintenance and improvement projects. Many TBDs enact a vehicle license fee – up to $50 without voter approval – or an additional sales tax of 0.2 percent to create revenue. Read how the Bonney Lake TBD could affect you here.
Successful rescue attempt on Mount Rainier | Mount Rainier National Park
A climbing party of two became stuck at Camp Muir (10,000 feet elevation) on Mount Rainier when a snowstorm caught them unaware March 26. Rescue attempts were thwarted by the weather, but rescuers were able to get to the climbers March 31. An unresponsive climber was also found by rangers near Gibraltar Ledge and was airlifted out. Read more about the rescue here.
Bonney Lake reserve officers give back to the community
Bonney Lake reserve officers Ben O’Leary and Justin Paulson work hard in Bonney Lake, training to one day get hired on as a full time officer. The BLPD is looking to sponsor more reserve officers through the police academy, so you can read up on what it’s like to be a reserve officer here. You can also download an application form here, but be quick! Applications are due mid-May after a schedule change moved up academy deadlines by two months.
Learning new strategies to deal with migraines | Part 2
Tyler Stewart has been having migraines since he was five years old. Last week, we learned about how he’s learned to control his migraines with Dr. Emily Law of Seattle Children’s Research Institute. This week, we learn about how the migraines have affected Tyler’s participation in school, sports, and whether or not his migraines are somehow connected to his family’s genes. Read more about Tyler and his trials here.
Easter egg hunts 2016 | Slideshow
Cute photos of Bonney Lake and Sumner toddlers hunting for Easter eggs! Enough said.