Patricia Hansen was born in 1932 on the Rowley chicken farm in Puyallup, WA, across the street from the fair’s big roller coaster. In the 1950s she married her high school sweetheart, Carl Hansen, and moved to the Hansen Dairy Farm west of Enumclaw. There they raised Jennifer and Jeff until they went to Westwood School where she became the librarian, a job she enjoyed for 35 years. Retiring in 1995 to pursue her hobby of painting cat rocks and driving their motorhome all over the US ending up in Yuma, AZ until Carl passed in 2011. In 2015 she moved back to Enumclaw and enjoyed many friends at Mountain Villa Estates. Then last September she visited Baja Mexico and fell in love with the Martin Verdugo Hotel and the Verdugo family, her caretaker Denise, painting rocks for everyone, reading books and riding quads on the beach. After a brief illness she road her quad off into the sunset looking for Carl saying ‘you’re only going to see my dust’….
Patricia Hansen | Obituary