My name is Chance LaFleur, I am proud to have the opportunity to serve as one of your Enumclaw City Council members, but I must first preface my statements that they are mine as private individual and do not reflect the view of the City Council or the city of Enumclaw. With that said, I would like to share my personal support of a levy measure that will be coming in your ballots soon.
Our local Fire District 28 has come forth to ask for our community’s support for the financial needs of our fire and aide services. It is never a popular thing to come to voters to ask for tax support. No one wants to pay more property tax, myself included. I have even recently withheld my support of tax measures put to our ballots, and even past levy requests from Fire District 28. However, I believe in this organization with the new leadership we have in Chief Fehr. He has done an amazing job and their commissioners have widened their ranks to provide better oversight and to have more involvement in the decision-making process.
The new district leadership has corrected and is working to correct mistakes from the past. With Chief Fehr at the lead, I trust and have full faith in our in our fire district. Now, I know some may now want to check yes, but I want you to think about something when you vote. At any minute, should you need fire or aide services, you can call our local dispatch center via 911 and there will be as many resources as needed called to service to help you. There will be fire trucks, aide units and firefighters ready to put their lives in harm’s way for you. All these resources unfortunately have a cost associated with them.
I truly believe that we are in a position where our fire district is in need and deserving of our support. The quality of our community stems from us rallying together when there is a need, and there is a need now. I will myself be voting in support of this measure and hope others will as well.
Chance LaFleur