Those who shrive on winner-take-all competition might be finding their fix hard to come by these days.
The Seattle Mariners are just one losing streak away from becoming an American League afterthought and the Seahawks are weeks away from the early, dog days of training camp. Few, it seems, care about professional basketball since Mr. Starbucks turned the club over to those scoundrels from Oklahoma City and – despite their ascent to the top of the league standings – the Seattle Storm cannot capture a great deal of public interest.
So, those looking for some real sizzle might turn to the political arena. Surely, they won’t be disappointed during this coming season of discontent. The fall campaign season promises to be filled with political posturing, a fair amount of mud-slinging and plenty of accusations, true and otherwise.
Adding to the mix is an early primary election in which the top two candidates, regardless of political preference, will advance to November’s general election.
The tone has been set early, as the Pam Roach camp has gone to the courts, challenging statements made by Matt Richardson in the voters pamphlet. Before voters choose who they want in the Senate, a judge will determine if the information provided was appropriate. Only then will voters be able to figure whether they’re comfortable with a populist incumbent like Roach, who remains strong in the district despite being at odds with members of her own caucus, or a political up-and-comer like Richardson.
In one of the two 31st District races for the House of Representatives, one candidate has researched an opponent’s spotty voting record and made sure the press was aware of the ballots not cast.
Looking congressionally, Patty Murray and Dino Rossi will have the money at their disposal to bombard the voting public with details of each other’s lives, both public and private. With national interests paying close attention to the race, it should be fun.
And the shopping list of initiatives will offer more summer reading than any good citizen can handle.
In the end, the entire process will provide some good, old-fashioned political entertainment. It will be fun.
Perhaps not as much fun as watching the Mariners win 116 games, like they did way back in 2001, but fun nonetheless.