To say that anything is possible is to condition the sinister, pitfall corollary that nothing is ridiculous.
The metaverse is a space caught at the cusp of the physical and the nonphysical. Not a radically different space…
Cartoon by Frank Shiers
He’s a breath of fresh air.
Putin was looking to utilize both to help justify his invasion of Ukraine.
Mask mandates continue to fall in several other states like New York, Illinois, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and will also…
Common sense respectful behavior and decorum in our society has broken down into angry undercurrents with unreconciled grievances everywhere. It…
The right bemoans cancel culture, but participates when it benefits them.
“Only when women become full participants in all domains of life and enter the important arenas of decision-making will humanity be prepared to embark on the next stage of its collective development.”
For once, I agree with Sen. Mitch McConnell.
Those who know me know me know I’m a bit of a stickler about language.
Columnist Bob Roegner shows his liberal bias.
You don’t have to hate someone to dislike them.