Vote no on Municipal Park District in Bonney Lake | Letter to the Editor

A few points proponents of this (municipal park district) property tax increase have not addressed (we tried asking these questions to the pro-tax increase supporters on their Facebook page, but rather than entering into a dialogue they deleted our posts, banning us from asking questions pertaining to the potential property tax increase).

A few points proponents of this (municipal park district) property tax increase have not addressed (we tried asking these questions to the pro-tax increase supporters on their Facebook page, but rather than entering into a dialogue they deleted our posts, banning us from asking questions pertaining to the potential property tax increase).

1. The MPD creates a tax that will not go away—it’s forever.

You continue to tell citizens that the MPD can go away with a simple majority. Can you give us a recent and local example of a tax-collecting municipality that has been dissolved?

2. A majority of the MPD-tax will create a new layer of government in the form of MPD management. Less than 45 percent of this tax-increase builds parks.

It seems reasonable to think that if this MPD “could include capital projects such as trails, sports facilities or a community center …” (as stated in your for statement), this MPD could operate with the same ineptness as Metro Parks Tacoma and their $1.3 million deficit. This deficit is primarily due to a decrease in property values combined with an increase in salaries and benefits. According to the Pierce County Assessor-Treasure website, home values in 2012 have declined by over 12 percent (2102 values/2013 taxes,

3. Families continue to struggle financially. The only MPD-plan, increase your taxes.

In Pierce County, unemployment fell from 9.7 percent to 9.3 percent … this is fantastic news. I’ve heard a million times that the same city insiders have been working on securing dedicated funding for parks for years; is this reason enough to permanently raise taxes on families and businesses as they continue to recover from a lasting recession?

Unemployment is at 9.3 percent. Home values are down by 12 percent. Help us help families and businesses recover from the recession by saying no to a new forever tax. Vote against the metropolitan parks district (MPD), April 23.

See more at Families for a Responsible Bonney Lake, a solutions-minded, pro-parks coalition, asking our elected to be responsible in this economy.


John Millan

Bonney Lake