
Neural Wealth Review: Does It Really Help You Build Wealth Through Mental Mastery?

Have you finally cleared your mind of thoughts, only to realize that you have been hard on yourself? Are you eager to fill it with positivity to reach your life goals? While we often tell ourselves to think positively, acting on it is not easy for most of us. Many of us keep our guards up, which limits our abilities. Society has long pushed us toward a traditional path of safety, making risk-taking feel out of reach, even if it could transform our lives.

What if we told you that years of negative thinking might have finally shut down genes that pave the path toward financial freedom? Would you believe us? Initially, this idea seemed foreign and untrue, but after hearing Professor Simon Wendell’s rationale, we couldn’t ignore the truth. Curious about what we learned? Here’s everything there is to know about Neural Wealth.

What is Neural Wealth?

Neural Wealth is a 10-minute hypnosis audio track to help individuals reach abundance, success, and happiness. Created by Professor Simon Wendell, hypnosis is believed to activate a neurological switch that would awaken previously dormant genes. These dormant genes are thought to be why many struggle to reach financial freedom or successfully manifest all their heart’s desires.

What’s more fascinating is that those who managed to activate the neurological switch have also passed on their abilities to their children, setting them up for great success.

As listeners engage with Neural Wealth, they should be able to enter a state of relaxed, concentrated awareness. It’s almost as if each word lifts a heavy burden, fueling the body with positive energy. As fascinating as this all might sound, understanding the underlying mechanism is essential, and that’s exactly what we’ll explore next.

Activate your wealth potential with Neural Wealth. Start your journey today!

How does Neural Wealth work?

Neural Wealth has been compiled so that it is expected to activate one particular neurological switch. This neurological switch lies within us and is deemed the only thing that brings people wealth. Upon activation, individuals should notice a renewal in their energy levels, something they’ve likely never experienced before, and a sense of uplifting.

According to Professor Simon Wendell, these outcomes result from negative outcomes, thoughts, sufferings, and personal failures leaving the mind and body.

So, what is the secret to activating the neurological switch? It has something to do with the concept of epigenetic activation. Professor Wendell defined the concept as a “process by which genes that were previously silenced are turned on through epigenetic modifications.” The Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University [1] defines epigenetics as an emerging area in which the environment influences children’s genes, affecting their genes’ expression. Children’s different experiences are believed to rearrange chemical marks that dictate the extent to which genes are expressed.

Put differently, science now demonstrates that our genes are not “set in stone.” These experiences – positive and negative – will leave a unique signature (temporary or permanent) on the genes. The aforementioned signatures either switch on or off genes.

What was more fascinating for Professor Wendell at the time was studying epigenetic activation within some of the world’s most unique and high-achieving people. Through this search, he found that these individuals focused on elevating their minds’ capacities to a level that far exceeds those of average humans, allowing them to get creative and solve problems.

Once again, these individuals’ epigenetic activation reached peak levels (upwards of 5%), giving them superhuman brain power. Considering everything discussed so far, the question is what will help activate this likely dormant switch. Meditation is one way to achieve this, however, not all instances were successful.

It requires time and continued practice, something that not everyone might be willing to commit to. The same goes for methods such as electromagnetic devices or sound therapy. To Professor Wendell, the easiest and most accessible way to trigger epigenetic activation is hypnosis.

The expert makes his argument regarding the powerful effects of hypnosis in the following statement: “Hypnosis actually has the power to change electrochemical activity in the brain, moving brain activity away from the default mode network and towards the prefrontal lobes.” He further noted that the hypnotist can “reprogram the seeker’s mind [and] trigger a neurological switch in that person’s mind, enabling him or her to boost their epigenetic activation levels,” underscoring that negativity is replaced with positivity.

Most of all, a frequency needs to be reached; otherwise, the art of activating dormant genes fails, preventing access to wealth and success. Neural Wealth uses hypnosis to raise people’s vibrating frequency, activating the neurological switch and boosting epigenetic activation levels.

Get Neural Wealth for the best price today!

How much does Neural Wealth cost?

Neural Wealth is valued at $229, which isn’t surprising considering the involvement of renowned figures. However, to increase accessibility, Professor Simon Wendell is charging no more than $37.00. Once the payment goes through, individuals can download the audio track to get started.

Who created Neural Wealth?

Neural Wealth was created by a professor named Simon Wendell, who claims to have devoted his entire life to researching the human brain. For years, Wendell knew something was holding back humans as a species, and the revelation only came to him after some two decades: epigenetic activation. Realizing the power of hypnosis on activating dormant genes, the expert sought after some of the world’s top hypnotists, eventually crossing paths with the UK’s renowned Aaron Surtees. Professor Wendell was especially impressed with Surtees’ work in wealth manifestation.

Naturally, the expert contacted Surtees by email, and 10 minutes later, they were in a deep discussion about the findings of various studies. The professor reviewed epigenetic activation with the hypnotist, who said, “Give me a couple of weeks, and I’ll have something for you.

Two weeks later, he provided Professor Wendell with a short 10-minute hypnosis session that would boost epigenetic activation levels to attract wealth, success, and happiness. And hence, we have Neural Wealth.

Click here to get all the details about Neural Wealth >>>

Final Thoughts

Neural Wealth is a hypnotic audio track compiled to boost epigenetic activation. Epigenetic activation is all about unlocking and waking up dormant genes that contain how-to instructions. Once the brain gets access to these genes, which have been otherwise blocked, individuals can anticipate attracting wealth, success, and happiness.

To get to this point, individuals must find a quiet room, relax, and listen to the Neural Wealth audio track once daily. Upon activation, all negative thoughts and experiences are supposedly replaced with increased positivity, pushing brainpower toward the prefrontal lobes.

The prefrontal lobes play a fundamental role in higher cognitive functions and behaviors. Specifically, they are involved in our cognitive processes (i.e., memory, reasoning, problem-solving, etc.), emotion regulation (i.e., mediating between cognition and feelings), decision-making, and social behavior.

To what extent does our editorial team buy the idea for Neural Wealth? Hypnosis has been around for as long as time can tell, and it has research backing for treating various conditions and reaching different purposes.

The same goes for this concept of epigenetic activation, which, although an emerging area, has debunked the idea that our genes are fixed and do not undergo alterations. This system appears to change people’s thinking, swapping negative thoughts with positive ones. No matter what truth lies in our thoughts, our subconscious mind takes it all in and reacts to everything as truth. So, we wouldn’t want the conscious mind to remain stuck on negative thoughts that the subconscious mind takes as truth.

For example, telling oneself that reaching millionaire status is impossible will be instilled in the subconscious mind as truth, creating an unnecessary and false blockage.

Neural Wealth’s ability to activate epigenetic activation is all about clearing our conscious minds of negativity and limiting thoughts.

To find out more about Neural Wealth or get started today, visit here>>>.


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