
Young Blood Factor Review: Does This Supplement Really Reverse Aging

Young Blood Factor is an aging support supplement marketed primarily to older adults.

Available exclusively online, the supplement aims to replicate the effects of “young blood transfusions,” turning your “old blood” into “young blood” with a blend of natural ingredients.

In our review, you will find out everything you need to know about Young Blood Factor and how it works today.

What is Young Blood Factor?

Young Blood Factor is a capsulated supplement that targets a “youth-restoring molecule” within your blood to promote anti-aging effects.

By taking two capsules of Young Blood Factor daily, adults of all ages can purportedly rejuvenate their blood and reverse certain effects of aging.

In fact, the manufacturer claims Young Blood Factor could help with joint pain, stamina, energy, cognition, and even wrinkles, among other anti-aging effects.

Young Blood Factor is priced at $59.95 per bottle and is backed by a 90-day satisfaction guarantee.

Get started with Young Blood Factor today!

Young Blood Factor Benefits

Some of the benefits of Young Blood Factor include:

  • Convenient, daily anti-aging supplement
  • Rewind the effects of aging
  • Promote energy and stamina
  • Rejuvenate your blood to reverse aging
  • Stay mentally sharp at any age
  • Backed by a 90-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does Young Blood Factor Work?

Young Blood Factor delivers a blend of natural ingredients that help rejuvenate the body from the inside out.

By taking two capsules of Young Blood Factor daily, you can use a blend of plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals to promote anti-aging effects.

For example, the most crucial ingredient in Young Blood Factor is pure pyridoxine hydrochloride. It’s a special form of vitamin B6 linked to developing a “miracle protein” linked to anti-aging. The supplement can promote powerful anti-aging effects by boosting levels of this miracle protein, called GDF11.

Other ingredients, meanwhile, can promote heart health, immune function, and even fat loss. According to the manufacturer, an ingredient called Gynostemma pentaphyllum can lead to “rapid fat loss” while also “reducing cholesterol levels” and “improving heart function. ”

Some ingredients help with blood flow. Ginkgo biloba, for example, is a plant extract shown to enhance cerebral blood flow, helping more oxygen and nutrients flow throughout your brain and body, making you think and feel younger.

You activate all of these ingredients by taking two capsules of Young Blood Factor daily, promoting significant anti-aging effects.

In fact, the makers of Young Blood Factor describe it as “like a ‘time machine’ in a pill” because it works by “transporting you back to when you were at your best.”

Click here to learn more about Young Blood Factor

How Young Blood Transfusions Work

Since ancient times, people have believed “young blood” has special properties that “old blood” does not.

Today, some of the world’s richest and most elite even undergo “young blood transfusions.” They inject blood from a healthy, younger person into themselves in an attempt to reverse the effects of aging.

Here’s how young blood transfusions work to promote anti-aging:

Your blood is your life force. It transports oxygen, nutrients, and healing compounds throughout your body.

As you age, your blood changes. It may not have as many nutrients or growth factors as it used to, and it may not have the same immune cells as it did when you were younger.

Some people aim to promote anti-aging with a young blood transfusion. They inject the blood of a younger person directly into their body for the purported anti-aging effects.

When you’re young, your blood is packed with rejuvenating proteins and other compounds that can repair damage, heal wrinkles, and promote anti-aging effects. As you get older, these factors become less effective.

Some people – like the world’s elite and wealthy – try to capture the benefits of young blood with a young blood transfusion. There’s limited evidence showing these infusions can significantly change the makeup of your blood.

Young Blood Factor aims to work without an injection. The formula replicates the effects of a young blood transfusion without requiring you to actually inject another person’s blood into your system.

Learn more on the official website >>>

Young Blood Factor Ingredients

Young Blood Factor contains a blend of well-known anti-aging ingredients – like quercetin. The supplement also contains lesser-known ingredients linked to anti-aging effects – like B vitamins.

The makers of Young Blood Factor describe the ingredients as “rejuvenating ingredients.” They rejuvenate your blood from the inside out, helping to promote powerful anti-aging effects.

Here are all of the active ingredients in Young Blood Factor and how they work to promote anti-aging:

  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #1: Pure Pyridoxine Hydrochloride: This ingredient may sound exotic, but it’s simply vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) attached to a salt molecule (hydrochloride). The ingredient may seem basic, but it’s one of the most important ingredients in Young Blood Factor. It targets a “miracle protein” called Growth Differentiation Factor 11, or GDF11. Studies show some people have higher levels of GDF11 in their blood than others. Studies also show people with high GDF11 tend to have better tissue repair – particularly heart tissue repair – than people with low levels of GDF11. The makers of Young Blood Factor even cite one study showing pure pyridoxine hydrochloride led to a 50% lower risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #2: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum: Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a plant extract popular in Southeast Asia with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. Today, the plant has been shown, in modern studies, to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is the primary energy source for your cells. Greater AMPK activity can increase energy at the cellular level. Studies show that AMPK activity declines with age, which is why many people lose energy with age. According to the makers of Young Blood Factor, Gynostemma pentaphyllum can help with fat loss, cholesterol, blood pressure, and overall heart function and immunity, among other benefits. The plant is also known as jiaogulan.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #3: Bioavailable Quercetin: Quercetin is an antioxidant naturally present in certain plant and herb extracts. Some take quercetin on its own, in supplement form, daily for health and wellness. It’s part of a group of plant pigments called flavonoids. These flavonoids give plants their unique colors, but studies also show they exhibit antioxidant effects, which could help with inflammation. Quercetin “is one of the most potent antioxidants of them all,” according to the makers of Young Blood Factor. The company cites multiple studies showing quercetin reduced oxidative stress (i.e., inflammation) in older adults’ tissues, helping fight aging at the cellular level.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #4: Pure Luteolin: Young Blood Factor contains luteolin derived from the Sophora japonica plant. Like other plant extracts in Young Blood Factor, the Sophora japonica plant has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Today, the luteolin from the plant extract “promotes incredible anti-aging effects throughout the entire body,” according to the makers of Young Blood Factor. For example, the company cites a study showing it decreased brain inflammation by 50%. Another study found it dramatically lowered the risk of death in a group of 2,461 patients over eight years.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #5: Cholecalciferol: Young Blood Factor contains vitamin D in the form of cholecalciferol. This version of vitamin D can promote AMPK levels, activating energy at the cellular level. Some people take vitamin D supplements daily to promote younger skin. Others take it to boost immune function. Cholecalciferol is a bioavailable form of vitamin D that’s easier for your body to absorb. A 2024 study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences described vitamin D as a “shield against aging” for its ability to defend the body against biomolecular damage and repair cells.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #6: EGCG: Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is an antioxidant molecule linked to inflammation, brain health, energy, and anti-aging effects. It may sound like an exotic chemical, but it’s a natural molecule found in certain types of tea. Some take EGCG supplements daily for weight loss and metabolism. Others take them for skin health and general anti-aging effects. A recent study found that EGCG improved “mitochondrial biogenesis” and restored mitochondrial function, helping to promote antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #7: Ginkgo Biloba: Popular in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, ginkgo biloba has a long history of use as a brain booster. Today, we know ginkgo biloba appears to work by targeting blood flow: your brain is the most energy-intensive organ in the body, requiring vast amounts of blood, oxygen, and nutrients for optimal function. Ginkgo biloba appears to ensure that a flood of nutrients reaches your brain, optimizing blood flow. One recent study found a connection between ginkgo biloba consumption and improved memory, cognition, and cerebral blood flow in older adults. Researchers even found that ginkgo biloba could help with atherosclerotic plaque formation, oxidative stress, and inflammation, all of which are linked to an increased risk of brain disease.
  • Rejuvenating Ingredient #8: Trans-Pterostilbene: Trans-pterostilbene is chemically similar to the popular antioxidant resveratrol. Like EGCG, trans-pterostilbene is naturally present in certain plants and has been historically used for anti-aging. Some studies show trans-pterostilbene helps with cholesterol, while others find it helps with skin health and general anti-aging. A 2024 Molecules study on pterostilbene found it was linked to metabolism, antioxidant effects, and overall health. In fact, researchers suggested PTS could even be “an attractive drug candidate” for “several disease conditions” like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

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What to Expect After Taking Young Blood Factor

The makers of Young Blood Factor advertise the supplement primarily for its anti-aging effects.

Those “anti-aging” effects can include everything from changes in joint pain to help with wrinkles and cognition.

Here are some of the effects you could experience when taking Young Blood Factor:

  • Rejuvenate the Body from the Inside Out: When blood circulates your body, it spreads oxygen and nutrients wherever it needs to go. Young Blood Factor claims to “rejuvenate and promote the healing of old organs, tissues, and cells throughout your body” by rejuvenating your blood. Each capsule of Young Blood Factor contains a blend of ingredients to boost the healing power of your blood.
  • Alleviate Chronic Joint Pain: Young Blood Factor can “alleviate chronic joint pain,” according to the manufacturer. As you get older, your risk of joint pain increases. Eventually, when left untreated, it can become debilitating. According to the manufacturer, the ingredients in Young Blood Factor “help revive cartilage,” promoting overall joint health.
  • Erase the Appearance of Wrinkles: Young Blood Factor doesn’t technically claim to erase wrinkles; instead, the supplement claims to erase the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Boost Energy & Vitality: Young Blood Factor activates AMPK and other factors linked to cellular energy, helping to boost energy and vitality from the inside out. In fact, the manufacturer claims you could “gain back the energy and vitality of being 20 or even 30 years younger,” erasing decades off your age.
  • Promote Cognition: Cognition tends to decline with age. Some people find taking a supplement can help. Young Blood Factor works by “restoring mental sharpness,” according to the manufacturer. Ingredients like ginkgo biloba have been specifically linked to cerebral blood flow, helping to send oxygen and nutrients into the brain.
  • Activate Repair Proteins: Studies show young blood is rich in repair proteins and other rejuvenating nutrients. Young Blood Factor, according to the manufacturer, “promotes the activation [of] these rejuvenation proteins.” These proteins can help repair tissue, organ, and cell damage, promoting overall health and wellness.
  • Restore Overall Health: Young Blood Factor’s ultimate goal is the same as that of young blood transfusions: to restore overall health. According to the manufacturer, the Young Blood Factor can help you “return to the healthiest, sharpest, most radiant version of yourself ” by infusing you with the power of young blood.
  • Target Inflammation & Oxidative Stress: Many of the ingredients in Young Blood Factor work because they’re natural antioxidants. The formula contains EGCG and pterostilbene, for example, which are natural antioxidants in certain plants and foods. These antioxidants can target and neutralize free radicals to promote anti-aging effects.
  • Support Heart Health: Some of the ingredients in the Young Blood Factor can support heart health. Heart disease is the number one killer worldwide. According to a study cited by the manufacturer, the pterostilbene in Young Blood Factor has been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol by 26% and increase HDL cholesterol by 7% in a group of subjects with high cholesterol.

Click here to order Young Blood Factor and experience the benefits!

Scientific Evidence for Young Blood Factor

Some people believe the world’s elites undergo blood transfusions. For example, they inject blood from younger people into their bodies to promote anti-aging effects.

In fact, some Young Blood Factor reviewers even start taking the supplement specifically to replicate the effects of young blood transfusions:

“I tell everyone once they start taking Young Blood Factor, they’ll see why the wealthy and celebrities are going crazy over young blood. It has definitely made me ‘younger.’”

What’s the difference between Young Blood Factor and blood transfusions? Do “young blood” transfusions really work?

Injecting another person’s blood into your body for anti-aging seems weird. Is there any science behind young blood transfusions? How does Young Blood Factor replicate the effects of a young blood transfusion? The makers of Young Blood Factor cite dozens of studies to validate their research. We’ll review that science below.

There have been hundreds of studies on “young blood” and aging. Starting around 2005, researchers examined the effects of young blood transfusions in mice. Researchers found that older mice injected with the blood of younger mice restored mental capabilities. Researchers suggested this could mean an exciting new frontier for the treatment of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other degenerative brain diseases.

In a follow-up 2019 study in ACS Central Science, meanwhile, researchers summarized young blood research. Researchers acknowledged that there appeared to be beneficial effects in mice. However, they also cited the United States Food and Drug Administration, which warned against young blood transfusions because there was “no proven clinical benefit.”

Young blood transfusions were once so popular, in fact, that private businesses rose to address demand. A startup called Ambrosia, for example, launched in the mid-2010s to help older adults enjoy the benefits of young blood transfusions. That startup later went out of business.

Nevertheless, some people continue to believe in the power of young blood—and there continues to be scientific evidence showing that young blood is different from old blood. The Columbia University Irving Medical Center explains that a “70-year-old with a 40-year-old blood system could have a longer health span if not a longer lifespan.”

Researchers aren’t sure, however, how to activate young blood in older humans. In a 2021 study, researchers tried to rejuvenate young blood in older adults by targeting hematopoietic stem cells and getting mice to follow a calorie-restricted diet and exercise program—both of which are thought to slow aging. Neither process, however, turned old blood into young blood.

Ultimately, studies show young blood is chemically different from old blood and is packed with more healing compounds and other beneficial molecules. By taking Young Blood Factor daily, you can purportedly activate anti-aging properties within your body to enjoy the benefits of young blood.

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Do Rich People Really Use Young Blood Transfusions?

The makers of Young Blood Factor claim to be actively targeted by lawyers representing elite and wealthy individuals from around the world. These lawyers want to take Young Blood Factor off the internet. The world’s elites don’t want everyone to get access to the same powerful young blood transfusions.

As proof, the makers of Young Blood Factor cite several notable incidents of well-known athletes, celebrities, and billionaires undergoing young blood transfusions:

Kobe Bryant used to fly to Germany for blood platelet therapy. Blood platelet therapy, also known as platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a type of regenerative medicine. The treatment involves extracting your own blood, spinning it fast to maximize platelets inside the blood, and re-injecting it into yourself to promote natural growth factors.

In 2010, Tiger Woods admitted to undergoing a similar platelet-rich plasma therapy procedure. The doctor injected blood into Tiger Woods in an attempt to accelerate healing.

Tennis star Rafael Nadal, meanwhile, was criticized for recovering too rapidly from injury, with some believing he was using illegal substances to aid his recovery. Nadal claimed he simply underwent stem cell therapy and blood transfusion therapy.

Tech billionaire Bryan Johnson infuses himself with blood from his 17-year-old son. The 45-year-old entrepreneur is obsessed with anti-aging, purportedly spending around $2 million annually in his quest for longevity. His procedures involve taking blood plasma from his son to purportedly reverse aging.

Ultimately, young blood therapy is nothing new. Today, Young Blood Factor aims to replicate its effects at a fraction of the cost—and without the need for a blood donor.

Learn from the experiences of other users >>>

Young Blood Factor Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

The official Young Blood Factor website has stunning testimonials from verified users who lost significant weight, lowered A1C and cholesterol, and even stopped taking doctor-prescribed medication after taking Young Blood Factor regularly.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official Young Blood Factor website:

One customer claims she “hopes to be off prescription drugs soon” after taking Young Blood Factor. She found the supplement lowered her blood sugar and restored her cholesterol to a normal range.

Another customer “lost 33 pounds and kept it off” with Young Blood Factor, describing the supplement as a “life changer.”

One man “lost 28 pounds” with Young Blood Factor while also dropping his pain and stiffness from an 8 to a 2 or 3.

One verified user found “almost all of [her] stiffness and inflammation subsided” within ten days of taking Young Blood Factor for the first time.

Some customers even claim their senses are sharper thanks to the Young Blood Factor. One woman describes the supplement as “incredible” because her “hearing and eyesight have become keener.” She used to have “constant pain” in her knee, but she’s “almost pain-free” now. She even lost over 30lbs.

Place your order right here for the best prices available!

Young Blood Factor Pricing

The makers of Young Blood Factor claim to have originally planned to charge $249 per bottle for Young Blood Factor. They saw it as a bargain compared to the $250,000 price tag for young blood transfusions. However, the team eventually settled on $59 or less for personal reasons: they were on a personal mission to help promote anti-aging effects worldwide.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering Young Blood Factor online today:

  • Order one bottle for $59.95 + $7.95 Shipping
  • Order four bottles for $189.60 ($47.40 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • Order eight bottles for $259.68 ($32.46 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Each bottle of Young Blood Factor contains 60 capsules or a 30-day supply (30 servings). To promote anti-aging effects, take two capsules daily.


Young Blood Factor Refund Policy

Young Blood Factor has a 90-day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 90 days.

You won’t find a better deal on Young Blood Factor anywhere else!

About Health Energy Longevity

Young Blood Factor is manufactured in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-compliant facility by Health Energy Longevity, a Nevada-based company.

The makers of Young Blood Factor claim to be facing attacks from lawyers. These lawyers represent the world’s elite, and “they view Young Blood Factor as an existential threat.” They planned to continue getting infusions of young blood to reverse the effects of aging. Young Blood Factor makes those infusions unnecessary while giving the key to anti-aging anyway.

You can contact Health Energy Longevity and the Young Blood Factor customer service team via the following:

  • Email: customerservice@healthenergylongevity.com
  • Mailing Address: 1000 N. Green Valley Parkway, Ste 440-8900, Henderson, NV 89074

Final Word

Young Blood Factor is an anti-aging supplement designed to replicate the effects of young blood transfusions without actually requiring you to inject young blood into yourself.

Each two-capsule serving of Young Blood Factor contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts linked to anti-aging effects. Users have reportedly felt younger, lost weight, solved joint pain, and supported overall health and wellness by taking two capsules daily.

To learn more about Young Blood Factor and how it works or buy it today, visit the official Health Energy Longevity online store.


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