Track & Stakes Record: 1:33, Sky Jack (7), 123 lbs, Aug. 24, 2003
Stakes Record: First running at mile distance
Most Wins
Trainer: 7, Bud Klokstad (O.K. Yet, 1986; T.D. Passer, 1989; Time to Pass, 1990; Staff Rider, 1992;
I.M. Bzy, 1997; Jumron Run, 2000; Corvallis Dee, 2003)
Jockey: 4, Gallyn Mitchell
(Jumron Won, 2000; Condotierri, 2002; Koala Beach, 2009, Couldabenthewhisky, 2010)
Owner: 3-tie, Herb Armstrong (Kay Valley, 1946; Happy Valley, 1947; Rover Bill, 1952)
Jollie Four Stable (T.D. Passer, 1989; Time to Pass, 1990; Staff Rider, 1992)
Northwest Farms (Knights Choice, 1978; Vino Rossi, 1998; Smarty Deb, 2007)
Purse: $65,000
1st *$32,175
Owners Hometowns
1*Finallygotabentley (9-5) Northwest Farms LLC (Jerre Paxton, Yakima, WA) & Debbie Paxton, Yakima, WA
2*Dontmesswithkitten (10) Henry Leong, Seattle, WA & Daniel Lew, Seattle
3*Mike Man’s Gold (3) Swag Stables (Keith Swagerty, Auburn, WA)
4*Raised a Secret (9-2) Dr. Rodney Orr, Silverton, OR
5*Music of My Soul (5-2) Elttaes Stable (Ken Alhadeff, Seattle, WA)
6*More Strawberries (8) Sue & Tim Spooner, Olympia, WA
2YO Colts & Geldings Series @ Emerald Downs
July 1: $25,000 NWSS Slewdledo Stakes, Master’s Bluff, 5F/:57.91 (fast), $5.20 (2-6)
July 29: $50,000 Premio Esmeralda Stakes, Mike Man’s Gold, 6F/1:10.04 (fast), $20.20 (4-8)
August 18: $50,000 WTBOA Lads Stakes, Mike Man’s Gold, 6-½ F/1:16.72 (fast), $5.60 (2-9)
September 9: $35,000 Dennis Dodge Stakes (WA-Bred), Music of My Soul, 6-½ F/1:09.25 (fast), $7.60 (3-5)
September 23: $65,000 Gottstein Futurity, 1M
Joe Withee (EmD1):
Music of My Soul, Finallygotabentley, Mike Man’s Gold*$11.30 (10-29*$286.10)
Robert Geller (EmD2):
Finallygotabentley, More Strawberries, Music of My Soul*$6.60 (6-29*$269.80)
Gary Dougherty (Horse Racing Seattle):
Music of My Soul, Finallygotabentley, Raised a Secret*$8.90 (9-29*$293.40)
Vic Cozzetti (
Finallygotabentley, Mike Man’s Gold, More Strawberries*$13.70 (11-29*$303.70)
Nick Rousso (Daily Racing Form):
Finallygotabentley, Music of My Soul, Dontmesswithkitten*$11.30 (14-29*$326.50)
Jacob Pollowitz (EmD3):
Music of My Soul, Finallygotabentley, Mike Man’s Gold *$11.30 (10-29*$307.40)
Finallygotabentley (21), Music of My Soul (18), Mike Man’s Gold (4)* $11.30 (12-29*$298.20)
NOTES: The Gottstein Futurity is the championship event for 2-year-olds at Emerald Downs* The Futurity will likely decide this year’s selection for Top Juvenile Male. Mike Man’s Gold leads Music of My Soul 2-to-1 in stakes wins this season*Smarty Deb, the dam of Finallygotabentley, won the 2007 Gottstein Futurity and is one of only two fillies to win this prestigious race*Tom Wenzel leads all trainers with eight stakes wins this season, and with a victory from Finallygotabentley, would make Wenzel only the second trainer to win at least nine stakes in track history*Juan Gutierrez (Finallygotabentley) and Javier Matias (Mike Man’s Gold) are tied with seven stakes wins apiece at the meeting*Dontmesswithkitten was a $7,000 supplemental nomination to today’s race.