BLHS SWIM AND DIVE: Lady Panthers sweep butterfly in opener

The Bonney Lake High girls swim team swept the 100-yard butterfly to get the 2010 season under way Thursday against Auburn Mountainview.

The Bonney Lake High girls swim team swept the 100-yard butterfly to get the 2010 season under way Thursday against Auburn Mountainview.

The host Lions won the league meet, but Panther freshmen Emily Romano and Hanna Anderson finished 1-2 respectively in the butterfly with junior Ashley Karboski third.

“I was so thrilled to be so strong in that event,” coach Ruth Conrad said.

“We’ve been out of the water for two weeks due to a pool closure and the Lady Panthers stepped up and swam their best in every race,” she said.

“They are eager to get more yardage behind them and compete in the upcoming week.”

The team is scheduled to travel to Peninsula Thursday for a 3:30 p.m. South Puget Sound League 3A meet. The Panthers’ are expected to be back in their home water at the Sumner High pool Sept. 30 to host Decatur in league competition.