Bonney Lake girls tennis back in full force

The Bonney Lake girls tennis team is primed to pick up where they left off last season, with nearly the entire team returning this spring.

The Bonney Lake girls tennis team is primed to pick up where they left off last season, with nearly the entire team returning this spring.

According tot Coach Billy Jacobsen, the Panther squad did not lose a single player to graduation this year and is returning the whole team, including Alise McCoy, who represented Bonney Lake in the state tournament last year.

Along with McCoy, Olivia Ottinger, Molly Miculnich, Kelsey Kober, Nate de Leon, Olivia Andringa, Sam Goff Hanna Broback and Lindsey Holdener are all back and Jacobsen said they are looking ready to hit the courts.

“For me I think the team is looking really good and we should be competitive,” he said.

Along with his returning players, Jacobsen said a few upcoming freshman will help fill out the squad this season. Jacobsen said freshmen Sam Garrity and Madeline Mazur should play this varsity this year and Britany Lie should also contribute.

The Panthers finished the 2011 campaign third in their league and while Jacobsen said he was not sure about incoming players at other schools, he expects his team to hold their own this season.

The Panthers were scheduled to open their season Tuesday at home against Peninsula before heading to Enumclaw Wednesday and Lakes on Thursday.