Registration for the RAGE Girls Volleyball League in the Puyallup and Spanaway-Parkland communities will be held on September 13th at Franklin Pierce High School from 8:30am-12:15pm and again on Sept. 20th at Puyallup High School from 8:30am-12:15pm. League play is offered for girls in grades 3rd-9th in both the elementary and junior high divisions. Cost is $45 if registered before September 13th or $50 afterwards and includes a t-shirt, an instructional clinic, and seven matches.
An instructional clinic by members of the Pacific Lutheran University volleyball team will be held on September 13th from 9:00am-10:30am for students in grades 3rd-55h and from 10:45am-12:15pm for students in grades 6th-9th. Players who register will be entitled to attend PLU’s home match on Sept. 20th at no charge.
Another similar clinic will be held on Sept. 20th at Puyallup Pierce High School conducted by members of the Puyallup Vikings high school team. Volunteer coaches are also being sought. Over 240 girls participated in the league last year.
For further information go to and click on Rage Volleyball League or contact Justin Luckman at (253) 298-3026 or at