• SHS Boys 60 to Clover Park boys 11.
Matched played at the Tacoma Country Club with a par of 35
Boys medalist: Tie: Matthew Stevens and Johnny Stayley 39 (14 points) SHS
2nd place: Tie: Riley Bruil and Alec Esterbrook 42 (with 11 points) SHS
3rd place: Tie: Cole Rommel and Connor Smith 44 (10 points) SHS
4th place: Danny Bruntell 51 (6 points) Clover Park
5th place: Patrick Pasquale 57 (4 points) Clover Park
Medalist: Claire Selmer 54 (9 points) SHS
2nd place: Tianna Munroe 55 (10 points) SHS
3rd place: Samantha Walsh 55 (8 points) SHS
4th place: Kristen Immel 58 (7 points) SHS
5th place: Hayley WEalenceus 60 (7 points ) SHS