But can it reach a supermajority of support without a Black Diamond elementary?
Don’t miss out on local pumpkin patches and haunted houses!
Congrats to all the winners and runners-up — you all make the Plateau “the best”.
WSDOT sent out a notice that the highway was open at 10:53 a.m.
Work on rerouting the creek is already underway
Kenneth McSweyn was reported having trouble recovering an anchor at the bottom of the lake
Gather at the Black Diamond Museum on Sept. 17 for the annual bell ringing
Fall fun for everyone on the Plateau.
The FOCUS Committee will look 20 years into the future and help guide ESD’s future capitol improvement projects
Enumclaw School District Director 4 incumbent Lori Metschan enjoyed a voting lead around Black Diamond, but challenger Tonya Pettit beat her out with her Enumclaw-area support
City and officials and Oakpointe employees hosted a groundbreaking ceremony Aug. 2
The lead between Tonya Pettit and incumbent Lori Metschan is closing, but the challenger remains ahead
The new bond, which focuses on only a new Enumclaw elementary school and district-wide repairs, upgrades, and security and safety features, asks for $103 million