Sumner 4, Emerald Ridge 1
September 14 at Sumner
Sumner 28, Bonney Lake 28
Sumner 18, Bonney Lake 38
“Trust and verify.” These were the words of President Ronald Reagan in dealing with the Soviets during the Cold War. Reagan’s words can also apply to the immigration issue currently being debated by the presidential candidates.
A year ago, the biggest news in Sumner was the opening of the Gordon Family YMCA. Why (or Y) is this still big news, one year later? Because it’s great to see expectations met. The effort to bring the Y was really borne out of a group of Sumner individuals who met oneSaturday because they all felt that Sumner was missing something. Eventually, they defined that “something” as best filled by a YMCA. Were they right?
The two Everett police detectives didn’t know the flag was missing until a stranger rang the doorbell at Fire Station 1 on Rucker Avenue. The man handed over a plastic bag to firefighters, along with a tale that led the detectives on the investigation of a lifetime.
The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), working in partnership with the University of Washington’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI), has been awarded $1 million per year, up to five years, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help prevent opioid overdoses and deaths.
Ten area students were named to the Washington State University president’s honor roll following the summer semester.
Sunday marked the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. I was a young reporter in Upstate New York that day and it’s still almost as vivid today as it was a decade and a half ago. A version of this column ran in The Courier-Herald in 2011 and it has been edited for inclusion this week.
It’s official – two weeks have gone by, and nary a sign of toxic algae remains in Lake Tapps.
Sumner 3, Enumclaw 2
24-26, 20-25, 25-21, 25-19, 15-10
September 12 at Sumner
Individuals and families dealing with memory loss or facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s are typically filled with anxiety, fear and confusion. It’s a time when the sky can seem to be falling in. But there is hope, resources, and people who can help.
The rumor mill has been hinting at Costco coming into Bonney Lake for years, but now is it looking like a certainty. At the City Council meeting on Sept. 6, Visconsi Companies – partial owners of the WSU Forest in Bonney Lake – presented a preliminary plan for Costco to open in what is to be the commercial area of the area, once the forest is cleared.
Today Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist accepted guilty pleas from Austin Richard Moores Nelson, 20, for first degree murder, first degree burglary and first degree animal cruelty. Moores Nelson shot and killed Teresa Ann Ryan, 46, last January.