The agenda for the February 9, 2016 City Council Meeting is now available to view online.
Cooking and nutrition classes for both 9-18 and 5-8-year-old youths. Older youth will plan and execute a family style dinner for their families at the end of August.
Today Dwayne Patrick Cowart, 32, was sentenced to 840 months in prison for beating his 2-month-old daughter to death in 2014 at his home in DuPont.
In January, the American Association of Railroads or AAR published its first-ever state of the railroads annual report focusing on the industry’s economic value, innovations and emphasis on safety.
Officers were on a routine patrol Feb. 1 when a car passed by and a computer check revealed the title of the car was not transferred after a sale.
Sumner 56, Bonney Lake 44
Bonney Lake 36, Sumner 33
Washington State Patrol investigators are also looking at the possibility that there was more than one subject that participated in the shooting and that the suspects may have gang affiliations.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced Washington homeowners will recover $1 million, as part of a $470 million agreement secured for homeowners nationwide through a state-federal legal action against mortgage lender and servicer HSBC.
Peter was wrestling with a decision – should he go or should he remain? If he stays he is safe. The comfort of the vessel he was in kept him from the elements, he was with those he knew and he was a fisherman so being there in the boat was familiar and expected.
The Bonney Lake City Council is holding two special meetings; one today and another on Feb. 16.
Do you know people who stay in the same rut their whole lives? They never change; in fact, as they age they seem to get worse. If you listen to them speak, their mantra is always that someone else was to blame for failures – the government, their political opponent, their spouse, their children’s teachers, the boss, God, whoever.
Rules are a funny thing. Rules, laws and all the things our mothers told us we had to do often bring out late stages of lunacy. That is certainly not the case with me.
In case you’ve ever wondered, Sumner does not have its own Leslie Knope, but we do have a good story when it comes to our Recreation Program. Parks is part of City government, and it’s separate from the Recreation Program that is a partnership we have with the City of Bonney Lake and the Sumner School District.