The team averaged 23 points over six games.
Students are already returning to the building.
Enumclaw School District Superintendent Dr. Shaun Carey will give a presentation to the council on the upcoming levy measure.
The Education Recovery Scorecard’s data indicates WRSD is scoring at least 100% better than the current national average.
The city of Enumclaw’s Special Olympics basketball skills team is riding high after taking third place in the state tournament…
Budget cuts mean minimum shift staffing is being reduced from eight to seven deputies.
One 13-year old was gassing the car up while his friends were shopping inside the Texaco.
Three were arrested for obstruction on March 13.
Moving the food bank to its own location has helped the nonprofit grow.
Former rangers Alex Ross and Cameron Schmidt say trail clearing, bathroom pumping, and trash collecting efforts will now be extremely limited inside the nearby national forest.