The bustling street will be even busier with special events every Sunday between July 8 and Aug. 26.
After an accident in 2015, Becky Rush-Peet is grateful to be alive.
The entry fee is $60 per team in the youth/high school divisions and $70 in the men’s, women’s, family and business divisions.
Additionally, the council revised its rules regarding seniors and impact fees.
The $2.8 million project will affect night commutes, though only some of the time during the 140-day project.
Costs for the art project were higher than expected.
All proceeds help kids of (almost) all ages attend a free cam at the end of July.
Local firefighters will be collecting money June 29 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
The Enumclaw City Council decided to seek “letters of interest” from potential developers instead of a traditional Request for Proposals.
The next round of classes starts Monday, June 26, and runs through July 24.
Tickets sold out at the last event in an hour, so get yours soon.
Kyle Bowen went to the quarter finals in the national competition.
Pi Kappa Phi fraternity members from all around the country stopped at Ashley House on their first stop on the Journey of Hope tour.